Community and Indoor Activities of Residents for Private Care in Gold Coast
Garden Group and Planter Boxes
Last month, we started a new Garden Club championed by our amazing gardener, Henry. He built four accessible gardening boxes just outside the activity room at Ritz. Visitors to Merrimac Park Private Care in Gold Coast may notice an overhaul which is being transformed into a productive vegetable and flower garden for both resident and staff to enjoy.
Before we can get planting tomatoes, lettuce, and snow peas, our Sunshine groups have been hard at work making the planter boxes as vibrant as their future plants. Our Artists include: Marie Y., John B., Dallas, Patricia A., Hanna, Joyce, Betty McCarthy, and Edward.
Stencils and shapes will be added regularly to the designs and as we move through the seasons, the Club will provide regular updates on the the garden.

Scarecrow Competition for the 94th Annual Mudgeeraba Show
The residents at Merrimac Park Private Care in Gold Coast felt the competitive spirit when Raffles and Ritz joined forces to design, build and present Hay-Ley the Scarecrow at the Mudgeeraba Agricultural Show. Hay-Ley took home second place in the Seniors section of her class after being judged by the Mudgeeraba Show Society. Hay-ley is now safely home and will be displayed in the reception before taking up her post as Head of Bird Control in Ritz’s Garden.

Bus Outing to the Spit & BBQ
Last month, our residents braved the cold on a frosty Thursday Morning to adventure out to the Spit, just past SeaWorld. Residents watched in amazement as paragliders sailed metres above our heads. Sadly, our lunch outing was cancelled. However, not to let a BBQ go to waste, we then enjoyed our sausage sizzle in the pavilion.
Our next bus outing will be a shopping Uber outing on the 4th of July, and then a full Bus Outing to Paradise Point to ride bikes with Cycling without Age.

Exchange Students from Hong Kong Visit a Private Care in Gold Coast
At the end of June, 20 exchange students and their teachers all the way from Hong Kong joined us at Merrimac Park. The students shared their culture with the residents, who happily recommended the best place to sight see on the Gold Coast. Roger enjoyed talking to the students about his favourite place to travel – Italy! Sidney shared his past and how much Australia has changed in the last 70 years as well. It was a fun conversation as Thalia’s son used to live in Hong Kong and Yip Kan Lin was was also born there. The students and residents shared morning tea and fond memories together.

Axe Throwing Training
Raffle’s residents and staff have been sharpening their axe throwing skills. They’re looking forward to our future axe throwing competition. The ones to watch out for are Keith, Vera, and Dallas!

This month’s activities calendar

Upcoming Birthdays
- 5th July – Vera (Raffles)
- 14th July – John X. (Ritz)
- 16th July – Sophia 100th! (Raffles)
- 21st July – Hanna (Ritz)
- 21st July – Gaye (Ritz)
- 31st July – Patrick (Raffles)