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Wellington Point Aged Care Home during Anzac Day

Wellington Point Aged Care Home: Anzac Day, Arts, and Concert

Ladies Group Knitting and Art

Stanford and Wentworth ladies of Wellington Point Aged Care Home gathered together for group knitting and other art activities.

Farm Visits

Residents of Stanford and Wentworth enjoyed connecting with nature, animals, and fellow residents and staff during farm visits. Look at those smiles!

Painting Class

There was more painting at Stanford through a class hosted by Hazel. Residents got creative with their paints and brushes while at Wentworth, they enjoyed sessions with Maggi Moo.

Concerts at Wellington Point Aged Care Home

Everyone shared laughter and got a boost of energy with dancing. There was also lots of music and chatting with each other.

Anzac Day

It was another inspiring and heart warming event at Stanford and Wentworth to remember all our fallen heroes. Look who came to join us. Lest we forget!